Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stuff my kids say

"Miss P, Taylor Lautner is dreamy.  Have you found someone dreamy yet?"

"How does that have anything to do with division?"

"It doesn't.  I'm just checking up on you."

My kids are way too concerned about my non-existent love life.  Comments like this have made me decide to keep a journal of all the strange/awkward/hysterical things my kiddos say.  It'll be like my own pick-me-up on a rainy day!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's been forever!

Gee whiz, it has been forever since I've updated! Eeek! So much has happened since I last updated:

We got a new friend in our class.  My favorite kid (yes, I know you aren't supposed to pick favorites) moved away without any of us knowing.  The next day when we found out, we were still mourning our loss when we got the call that we had a new kid in class, so we had to empty his desk quick.  Then a week later another friend left our class.

The kids discovered a new obsession of making sure Miss P doesn't end up the "old cat lady", we've made a commercial, read A TON of new books that the kids LOVED, the kids found out Miss P had a date, the kids met Sister P, a girl I've been friends with since 3rd grade got the open 4th grade position in the room across the hall from me after the old teacher became our resource teacher, the kids found out Miss P dumped the guy she was seeing, the kids met Mama P, we had a moustache Christmas party, our friend who mysteriously moved away came back the first day of the semester (there was much celebrating!!!!), we've had frogs and crabs and millipedes in our room for science (many gross stories there that we'll skip....), and we've learned a whole lot!

I've decided with all the weird/funny/awkward things my kids say, I'm going to have to start keeping a journal of them.

I've also had a couple kids ask if we could make a science club, so my new hobby is thinking of things that we could do so I can decide if I can handle a 4th grade science club....it'll be interesting!

I found this on pinterest and LOVE it, so I thought I'd share it with you.

Think about it....